Naruto 586 Prediction: Fate!
The scene shows Itachi from the point when he shouted.Itachi: IZANAMI!!!!
Kabuto remains silent waiting for the jutsu to take action, but nothing happens.
Itachi: It's over, Kabuto Yakushi.
Kabuto: How could you tell, Itachi? I may know about your jutsu. And counter it right at this moment.
Itachi: Trust me Kabuto. You cannot counter this. It's beyond your level.
Kabuto: Level? *What's the level of one, Itachi? His true power? Or just a set of skills that allows him to survive? The level it's just a matter of perception. You think that my level it's beneath your jutsu. But i'm sure that my level it's above Izanami.*
Itachi: Kabuto. You're wrong again. Let me explain this to you. The whole ninja world it's based on a wrong system. We belive in something that could be true or false. And i'm talking about strenght. We devised a system that separates the ninja ranks, yet the ranks are not suitable for everyone. Take Naruto for example. -Sasuke grins at hearing the name-. His official rank it's Genin. Yet he defeated a proeficient Rinnegan user, something that his Hokage wasn't able to do it. So...the way in which the ninja world sees the power it's wrong. Because, against all odds one can prove himself powerful enough to overcome anything. He access his inner power. His will it's giving him what he needs. But...
Kabuto stops him: Interesting point of view, Itachi. You're quite the poet today...but what you've said it means that you only acknowledge my power being able to overcome anything that you throw at me!
Itachi with a menacing look: You don't get it, Kabuto...that would apply if you'd fought someone else. But you're fighting against an Uchiha.*
Kabuto tries instantly to dash towards Itachi but the world starts spinning with him.
Kabuto: What the...!?!
Itachi: You're already under my jutsu Kabuto. Look around you see how the world it's spinning with you? Do you see how you start losing your essence? Do you see how everything goes again the human world's logic?
Kabuto looks around him and he has a shocked look on his face. The world it's turned upside down. The cave doesn't exist anymore, he stands near a mountain that it's upside down and lava comes out of it...a blood river that flows in the sky, the earth it's burned and smashed and several shadows start forming around him.
Suddenly the shadows that were forming gets a shape. Kabuto looks at several people he once knew. He witnesses the appearence of the Mother, Danzo, Orochimaru, the Third, a girl he once liked, and several other people that he encountered during his life. Kabuto it's shocked at their sudden appearence, but understands that he is under a genjutsu and dashes towards them in order to kill the spectres. But he hits an empty spot. The apparitions are beyond his reach.
Kabuto: What is it Itachi? Do you think you can play mind games with me? You cannot touch me! Neither my body or my mind!
Suddenly the shadows start talking.
The Third: You were always a shady kid. I never liked you. I always suspected that something was wrong with you. Who are you?
Kabuto turns around: Fuck you old man! You were oblivious to what happend around you!*
He turns around and looks at the girl he was liked.
Girl: You disappointed me, Kabuto. You were a liar and a coward. You never comed to see me that day. You abandoned me in that damned tiny villagge. You flew away. You know, what happend to me? The creatures comed that night. But you escaped. They devoured every bit of my flesh, not even a limb was sparred! They have eaten everything from everyone! We were all killed, Kabuto!
Kabuto remembers when Orochimaru tried to make a army with Juugo's DNA. But the creatures got out of control and attacked a small villagge. He was there, enjoying the company of a girl he met in a previous mission. He really liked her. Orochimaru allowed him to visit her. When he was just about to kiss her, Orochimaru appeared behind him out of nowhere, grabbed his hand and dashed away with the boy.*
Orochimaru: You will thank me one day!
Kabuto shouted to tell him what's happening, but he saw with his own eyes a few minutes later. Hundreds of creatures, reassembling Juugo were dahsing towards them. Orochimaru licked his lips and with a tensed face, while he was holding Kabuto he managed to jump, spin and tackle his way out of the beasts's path. The creatures went straight towards the villagge. Instantly the villagge gets caught on fire and suffering screams are heard.
Orochimaru: We don't have the power right now to kill all of them. I'm sorry about that friend of yours. She is already dead. I'm sorry Kabuto...
Kabuto: I never flew! If Orochimaru wouldn't have took me away, i would have fought to protect you!
Girl: Liar. I sense it in your would have escaped and let me die there...Who are you? Do you have a name? Who are you?
Kabuto shouts again and tries to hit her, but his punch passes through her.
Suddenly Mother's voice is heard.
Mother: I don't recognize seem familiar...somehow...but i don't know who you are...
Kabuto makes several steps back.
Danzo appears next to Mother.
Danzo: She never knew...i had you to kill eachother...because you were getting too good. You knew way to much. But you survived. Then, i just used you again after Orochimaru's were always a puppet, never had a personality of your own...never had a name of your were who you had to be. Nothing more, nothing less...a disposable tool in my hands...
Kabuto shouts:You knew who i was!*
Danzo laughs: I never knew you were, Kabuto...i tricked you..but think about it...what a burden you must have been for your parents, that they've abandoned you...i'm sure that their life was much happier without you around them...they disposed of you, just as I tried to do...just as your Mother here nobody Kabuto! Nobody!
Kabuto starts crying out of pain and anger.
Kabuto screams: I'm not nobody! I have a name!*
Danzo smiles.
Mother: Then tell you...who are you? Who are you boy? Who?
Danzo: Tell us...who are you? Not even you know your identity! Who are you ?
Suddenly Orochimaru lands near him.
Kabuto looks at him desperate, begging for help.
Kabuto: Orochimaru-sama...please!!!
Orochimaru looks disappointed at him, then slaps him in the face.
Orochimaru: I thought so highly of you Kabuto...and you just disappointed me...i thought that you will search for yourself. Not for me. That you will develop your own character and personality. That you will learn about your past. Not that you would just steal my identity. I don't recognize you anymore, boy....who are you? Where is the man i once knew? Because you aren't that one. Who are you?!?
Kabuto starts screaming and crying, tortured by the words that the shadow are using. The shadows are closing in on him, keep repeating the same question, all of them at the same time: " Who are you?" .
Kabuto falls down to his knees crying. His Sage Mode faded.
Kabuto screaming through the heavy tears: Make it stop! Make it STOP!!!!!!!!!!!
Suddenly Itachi's voice is heard.
Itachi: If you want to stop...end the Edo Tensei. Put an end to the jutsu and i will stop it.
Kabuto: Never! You will not win Itachi!!! NEVER!!!!
The shadows are now about to cover him entirely. Kabuto reaches with his right hand up and screams again for help. The shadows starts slowly to devoure him and his soul.
Itachi: Then the torture and pain that you will suffer here will change your decision soon enough! You're forever damned, Kabuto...maybe the pain will bring out your real self. Release the Edo Tensei if you want it to stop!
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