Sunday 6 May 2012

Naruto 585 Prediction: A Destiny Of Arrogance

Naruto 585 Prediction: A Destiny Of Arrogance

Kabuto has bore his soul - but how will the fight conclude?

Kabuto: Orochimaru-sama was the only one who understood who I was, he was the closest thing to family. You two brats will never understand the difficulty I endured in trying to carve out my own identity.

Kabuto: But that's fine. As I've said, I've got this little fight all wrapped up. *hand seal*Sage Art: Black Dragon!

*Kabuto spits out a black dragon that goes to crash into Sasuke, Itachi blocks it with Susanoo but the dragon somehow cancels it and wraps around both Itachi and Sasuske*

Kabuto: Itachi... For all your strategic planning and overconfidence, you have gotten predictable. *sticks tongue out* You idiot Itachi! This sage-art has the ability to absorb any ninjutsu and feeds off of it.


Sasuke: Dammit I'm stuck! What the hell are we going to do now Itachi?

Kabuto: First I'm going to plant this tag inside you Itachi and I'll re-write the edo-tensei. Then, I'm going to take Sasuke's Sharingan and use it to take that masked idiot down as well. Then I'll go after Naruto and the leaf. They will pay...

*flashback -- Kabuto gets his glasses from the Mother, then Kabuto crying and thanking the Mother for saving him. Then a flashback of the Mother upset that Kabuto abandoned the orphanage to join Root. Then a flashback of the Mother not remembering who Kabuto is*

Kabuto thinking: wait... these memories... why can't I shake them..

Itachi in Kabuto's mind: Because of your guilt, Kabuto...

Kabuto: What are you talking about? What guilt?

Itachi still in Kabuto's mind: Kabuto, didn't I say that not knowing what you can and cannot do will be your downfall? You are so full of yourself that you don't even realize how you've lost.

Kabuto thinking: What are you talking about? I just defeated you, you can't move or use ninjutsu and I'm impervious to the sharingan. How are you able to enter my mind?

Itachi in Kabuto's mind: Kabuto... it is I who have defeated you. And furthermore, I will explain this to you. You see Kabuto, you lost due to your own arrogance, and it is this jutsu - the Izanami that seeks out such arrogance and reveals it whomever I cast it on. It is one of the ultimate forbidden Uchiha abilities.

Kabuto: That.. doesn't explain how you were able to enter my mind... My eyes are closed - wait *flash back to Itachi getting stabbed and turning into birds* that was a genjutsu... How did you?!

Itachi in Kabuto's mind: I don't need my sharingan to create genjutsus. I need only one finger. Furthermore, genjutsu doesn't just work via eye contact, but through the senses. I cast a simple genjutsu back then to dull your senses. It was at this moment I was able to use the Izanami to enter your memories, and your mind. To show you your destiny.

Kabuto: No... That's... IMPOSSIBLE!

Itachi: You didn't even bother to make contingent plans against other forms of genjutsu, you were so arrogant in your sage mode you didn't even realize such a simple detail. Just like you were arrogant in believing Orochimaru actually cared about you. Well I will deliver you this final truth before it's all over: Kabuto, your Mother didn't have trouble recognizing you you because of some trick Danzo played. A Mother should ALWAYS be able to recognize her son regardless of looks. But it wasn't your image, it was your actions. It was your selfishness and arrogance. You had become a completely different person and you didn't even realize it.

Kabuto: No...

Itachi: Yes. It is because of your betrayal, the fact that you didn't even realize the pain you caused your REAL family. You were so concerned about your identity, that the identity that you had in front of you the whole time had escaped your sight. Your glasses, your name! THOSE are your identity. Your Mother didn't recognize you because of how fallen you fell - she did not want you to become a spy working for Danzo she had higher hopes for you...

Kabuto: No.... No... NO!!!!!!!!!

*huge fish eye pannel of Kabuto on his knees with his hands on his head and his eyes open, tears pouring down*

END caption: He had to open his eyes to allow the tears of grief to mourn the truth!!!

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