Friday 25 May 2012

Naruto 588 Predictioin: A new power

Naruto 588 Predictioin: A new power

*Kabuto completely still, trapped under Genjutsu*

Itachi: Until he realizes who he is, there is no way he can escape.

Sasuke: How will you end Edo Tensei.

*Itachi touches Kabuto's forehead and enters his mind. He then proceeds to learn how to end Edo Tensei and forces Kabuto to end it*

Itachi: Kabuto, you really have surpassed Orochimaru. To think that you could advance the Edo Tensei to such a state. When Orochimaru summoned the first and second hokage, they weren't anything close to their true power level but the Edo's you have summoned are far more capable. Anyway, this should do it.

*Scene changes to Madara and the Kages. Madara is standing over the Kage's with his arms crossed smiling meanwhile the Kage's are all bloodied and beaten on the floor ready to die*

Madara: This generation really is pathetic. A great shinobi is one who uses versatility. You're all one trick ponies.

*Focus on Madara's face. His eyes pulsate and he stops smiling, becoming far more serious and evil*

Madara: I order you to die.

Kage's/Madara: ?!?!?!

*The coffin appears from behind Madara and traps him*

Madara: What is this .... ?!?!?

Onoki: Has someone found Kabuto?

*The coffin is about to shut, however, before it does, Madara screams ...*

Madara: IZANAGI!!!!!!!!

Kage's: ?????

*As the coffin shuts, the illusion breaks - Madara is standing there having broken a sweat with his eyes bleeding*

Madara: So someone tried to seal me. They would have succeeded had it not been for this jutsu.

Gaara: You monster, what did you do?!?!

Madara: An ability which is capable of turning reality into a genjutsu. Under the normal sharingan, it costs the user his eyes. However, with the eternal mangekyou sharingan, it has a less adverse effect. Although damaging, the user doesn't become blind instantly. However, overuse will blind the user, even if they have an EMS. There are only two techniques that can blind an EMS user and this is one of them.

Mei: ?!?!??! You're no monster. You're the devil! To have escaped fate, you wretched scum.

Madara: A woman with a sharp tongue. Hideous creature.

*Mei is furious*

Madara: It seems I am no longer under the control of the operator.

*Note: All other Edo's have vanished*

Back to Itachi/Sasuke/Kabuto scene.

Sasuke: Itachi tell me everything.

*As Itachi is about to speak, Kabuto breaks out of Izanami*

Itachi/Sasuke: ?!?! - How

Kabuto: Jumps towards Itachi and wraps a snake around both him and Sasuke.

*He proceeds to take the top half of his clothes off - To Itachi and Sasuke's surprise, Kabuto has a Rinnegan at the place where his heart is*

Kabuto: You slowed me down Itachi, I'll give you that. It took me sometime to counter Izanami. Although I knew about this jutsu, I didn't know how it was executed. You got lucky in trapping me. Danzo tried to use Izanagi and it is from there Orochimaru sama learnt about Izanami. Don't worry Itachi, I knew this dirty little secret of yours all along. You will pay for making a fool out of me.

*The Rinnegan pulsates - Itachi begins to crumble*

Itachi: What's happening to me ...?

Kabuto: You've lost to me Uchiha. Now VANISH.

Itachi: Sasuke .... destroy him.

*Itachi fades away and Kabuto is sweating and panting profusely*

Kabuto: When Uchiha Madara took his brothers eyes do you want to know what happened with his original ones Sasuke kun?

Sasuke: Don't tell me, the one in your heart????

Kabuto: kukukuku - Orochimaru sama had this one. However, he couldn't transplant it. He needed a perfect body first Sasuke kun.

Sasuke: You will pay for what you have done you slimy mongrel.

*Sasuke activates his EMS and Susano appears. Susano is covered completely in Amaterusu and strikes Kabuto*

*Kabuto dodges the attack. The rinnegan pulsates again. It creates a Kumai type of vortex and absorbs all of the Amatarusu. Kabuto is very strained and starts coughing blood. The absorption becomes more power and Sasuke is ready to be sucked in*

Kabuto: Just a little more and I'm there ....

*Sasuke is blown in closer and closer. He shields himself using Suanno. He then fires an Amatarusu arrow towards Kabuto's Rinnegan heart. The arrow is absorbed into the vortex. Kabuto coughs more and Sasuke shows restrain. However one of Kabuto's snakes comes and bites Sasuke, Sasuke is then fully absorbed into the vortex*


*Kabuto's eyes change and they show a rinnegan, however Kabuto starts coughing blood more and more*

Kabuto: ....?!?! What's happening to my body.

Unknown Voice: You can't handle this power like Orochimaru.

Kabuto: ?!?!

*Kabuto then suddenly rips apart, his parts catching Amaterusu. The rinnegan heart is destroyed. Kabuto is dead - instead, Sasuke stands there laughing*

Sasuke: My time has come.

Sasuke opens his eyes and shows his Rinnegan, smiling devilishly.


Next time -

Naruto vs Tobi

Sasuke vs Madara

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