Sunday 17 June 2012

Naruto 590 Prediction: Unexpected Return!!!

Naruto 590 Prediction: Unexpected Return!!!
* Scene begins with Naruto and the gang vs Tobi

Tobi: You may have won this battle. But the war isn’t over.
Tobi: My goal is accomplished. I have united Konoha with the villages. Sinces the other villages are allies of Konoha now, Sasuke will destroy them all. In order to do that he’ll need even more power. I will link him with the Gedo Mazo. His perfect Susano’o will take the kyuubi from you. You’re hachibi will also be mine, KillerBee. There is no one is this
Naruto: He he
Naruto: Itachi kept his part of the promise. So will I!
Tobi: What are you talking about brat?
Naruto: Itachi promised he would stop the edo-tensei and left Sasuke to me. But first I will deal with you.
Tobi: Sasuke is a true avenger. Hatred is his nin-do. No one can change his mind.

* Scene changes to Sasuke, Itachi and Kabuto

Itachi: I can still make it…
Sasuke: ???
Itachi quickly waves some handsigns and fades away
Sasuke: Goodbye nii-san

Sasuke activates his EMS and looks at Kabuto, who is still under the effect of Izanami

Sasuke: My brother wanted you to find yourself but I already know what you are. You’re a filthy snake. Just die!
Sasuke: Amaterasu!
???: Hold it, Sasuke
Sasuke: …

The mysterious person turns out to be Itachi

Sasuke: How is this possible? You are supposed to return to the underworld
Itachi: Sasuke, I thought you already knew a few things about Sharingan kinjitsu
Sasuke: He he… Izanagi?
Itachi: That’s right! Don’t kill Kabuto. We need him
Sasuke: For what?
Itachi: Once Kabuto refinds himself. He’ll remember he’s a medical ninja, who cared about his family. Therefore he will us his medical ninjitsu to save lifes in this war. But only after he helpes me regaining my light.
Sasuke: ???

Itachi stares at Sasuke

Sasuke: Your eyes!
Itachi: …
Itachi: After i used Izanami and Izanagi i lost the light in both eyes.
Sasuke: Then we need to retrieve my original eyes and transplant them in your eye sockets. Nii-san, then we will both have EMS.
Sasuke: We’ll revive the clan by showing the world our power. I will crush konoha for what they did to us. With or without your help. The uchiha name shall be feared and respected in every corner of the world once again.
Itachi: Stop it Sasuke.
Sasuke: …
Itachi: Our power is cursed, so was our clan. Let me tell you some more about the origins of the sharingan. Then you’ll understand why i had to kill the clan.

End of chapter

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