Friday 22 June 2012

Naruto 591 Prediction 3

Naruto 591 Prediction 3
Madara: So it appears Edo Tensei has been canceled...

Tsunade: Why are you so happy?

Madara: Because of Edo Tensei i could not use my full power without being controlled. Now for the God to arrive.

Madara: Rinne Rebirth!

"A white light covers Madara to the point where you cannot see him"

Garra: This is?!

Mei: No doubt.... Rinne Rebirth!!

Onooki: We cannot deal with him now.. He truly is a God now...

Madara: I can use my powers to my full extent, Nobody can stop me now.

Tsunade: I need to use it...

Madara: No matter what Jutsu you use. It wont do anything.

Tsunade: When i was little. My grandfather taught me a Forbidden Jutsu, One that give's your life to bring someone back, Even if they have been sealed. It only brings them back for a Hour. But in this case it's worth every bit. I hear by summon Hashirama Senju in exchange for my life.

Tsunade: All... Protect me...

Onooki/Mei/Garra/A: Right!

(A unstable version of Perfect Susano'o appears behind Madara)

Madara: I will destroy all of you before that happens.

Onooki: I feel it is time for me to take action. Shaker Movement!

Mei: Almighty Lava Pit!

A: Lighting Flash!!

Madara: Gah! Cannot move.

(Flashback cut's to Madara Fighting Hashirama)

Hashirama: Why has it come to this? I thought we had a truce!

Madara: I deserve to be Hokage!!! NOT YOU!

Hashirama: You lack the people skills Madara, Also you don't have enough love inside of you to be one. Your a burden to the Uchiha!

Madara: GAH!!!!!

(Madara's EMS turns on and Susano'o appears behind him)


Hashirama: Madara you might feel as if you deserve to be a God however everyone else thinks different. I MUST kill you now. Advent of a World of Flowering Trees!

Madara: Susano'o protects me from that. STABILIZE!!!

(End Flashback)

Tsunade: I don't have enough Chakra.... Will you all please give your life's to save the world?

Onooki: Were Kages. It's what we do.

Onooki: I.

A: Hearby.

Mei: Summon.

Tsunade: Hashirama Senju in exchange for our lifes.

Mei: Garra get out of here now.

Garra: But...

Onooki: Your still young boy, You need to head back to your Brothers and Sisters.

Garra: Right. Goodbye everyone..... (Leaves)

Mei/A/Onooki/Tsunade: SUMMON!!!

(All Kage's disappear into the wind)

Madara: DAMMIT!!!

Hashirama: It's been awhile.

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