Wednesday 27 June 2012

Naruto 592 Prediction: Slug

Naruto 592 Prediction: Slug
Madara: Release!

Kage's: 'Shocked'

Madara: As you all can see im not going anywhere. This is it for you.
Onoki: How did you know the seals madara?
Madara: Hehe because i was the one who helped 2nd hokage to develop the technique. He just never gave me the recognition that i earnt because his cursed brother. Thats why i killed him.

Tsunade: You were the one who killed my uncle??! You bastard!
Madara: Dont be angry you senju. your next.
Tsunade: I dont think so.. Slug sagemode activate!

Kage's: !?
Gaara: You still have enough chakra?
Tsunade: This jutsu is not working on chakra gaara, its based on Natural energy.

Madara: Thats..
Tsunade: Yeah you should know this jutsu madara. Because of Mito, my grandmother.

Madara: (That slugmode.. its too dangerous for me now..) Im sorry kage's playtime is over. I see you soon again, i have other business to attend to.
Onoki: Wait madara!
Madara teleports away.

Tsunade: he ran away. He's afraid of this power.
Gaara: Is it so dangerous?
Tsunade: This sagemode.. its different like the other sagemodes.
Gaara: Others..?
Tsunade: Yes.. different then the snake and frog mode, Jiraija had the frog mode.
Gaara: And orochimaru had the snakemode?
Tsunade: No he didnt.. he couldnt find the place to learn it.. But we got other things to think about now! Because of this mode i can feel everything around me. Naruto is still fighting the masked man together with guy kakashi and bee.
A: They are taking long..
Tsunade: And madara is closing in to The user of edotensei(it was kabuto..), and... Sasuke.
A: Sasuke?! Did he released the edo tensei?
Tsunade: ( that sasuke..) I think so. Lets hurry!

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