Saturday 28 April 2012

After the end of the 4th Shinobi World War

After the end of the 4th Shinobi World War

This is a thread where I am going to post a series of predictions that go far into the future. Do not read if you want to just follow the manga.

Here is a first one.

Prologue: Tobi and Kabuto have been defeated. Kabuto is no more, but Tobi managed to escape together with his demonic statue, after being severely wounded by Naruto. Naruto and the Kage’s pursue him to his headquarters.

Sakura's surprise

Sakura tends wounded at the hospital of the shinobi army. Kakashi, Gai, and several jounin from the other villages return there for treatment. Sakura overhears them talking about Naruto. They refer him as “Naruto-sama”. Sakura thinks of how Naruto has earned the respect and acknowledgment of all shinobi in his fight against Tobi.

Sakura asks Kakashi about the reason why he called Naruto “sama”. However, Kakashi refuses to answer her directly. He merely states that she is going to be very surprised, but that it is an important secret. Sakura is perplexed.

Clones of Naruto arrives at the hospital, each carrying more wounded shinobi from the battlefield. Sakura sees Kakashi and Gai, as well as the foreign jounin, formally bow to the Naruto clones and address them as “sama” (lord). She is increasingly curious, and asks one of the clones directly, but Naruto only smiles and says that he is overjoyed that she is safe. Naruto speaks of a great surprise that he has for Sakura, and disappears.

Sakura is determined to find out more about the matter. She approaches Gai instead of Kakashi. She pretends that Naruto has told her everything, and refers to Naruto as an idiot, in order to provoke a reaction from Gai. Gai seems shocked, and admonishes her, that although he knows that Sakura and Naruto have been great friends, she can no longer speak to him so disrespectfully since he is Hokage now. Sakura is dumbfounded, and fears that Tsunade has died after the fight with Madara. Gai relieves her by saying that Tsunade has resigned as Hokage in favour of Naruto.

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