Monday 30 April 2012

Naruto 585 Prediction: Who are you?

Naruto 585 Prediction: Who are you?

The scene shows Kabuto in his new form as a fusion between him and Orochimaru.

Kabuto to himself: It's still not enough! I need more! I need to amass all the knowledge out there! I need to find myself!
Suddenly a voice is heard behind him.
Unknwon voice: Find yourself? It sounds like it would use you to find out who you really are. Yakushi Kabuto...but that's not your real name.
Kabuto turns around and spots a*silhouette hiding in the shadows.
Kabuto: Who are you?!? Show yourself!
Unknown voice: You don't need to know my identity. I know who I am. But you don't know who you really are. You were alone from the start, Kabuto. Only Orochimaru acknowledged you. But he is dead now. What will you do?
Kabuto: He is not dead! He lives inside me! He will always be by my side!
Unknown voice: By your side? You don't have a side, boy. You never had one. You were so many people for so long that you lost sight of yourself. You erased every personality that you've adopted in your life immediatly after the end of a mission. You're a shadow Kabuto. can strike from within the shadows.
Kabuto: Strike who?!? Who the **** are you?!?
Kabuto launches a couple of snakes towards the*silhouette, but the snakes hit only an empty wall. The*silhouette reappears on the opposite wall, hidden again by the shadows.
Unknown voice: Strike the world, Kabuto. They deserve pain for what they did to you.*
Kabuto: Pain...what do you know about pain? Who do you think you are to come here and tell me about pain? -shouts- : You don't understand what i have been through!
Unknown voice: Oh, but i do understand Kabuto. The pain of not knowing your parents, your real familiy, the woman who gave birth to you...not even your real eats you from the inside. It makes you go crazy. You desperatly seek the knowledge. You've made Orochimaru's goal, yours. But why? Because deep down you're just trying to find your true self. To find your natural behaviour instinct. Not the one that you forged after countless missions. To find your true personality and character. That's what you lack. That's why you want to understand every jutsu. Because you belive that somewhere in the world there it's something that could make you remember. That could allow you to remember.
Kabuto shocked: How do you...!?!
Unknown voice: How do I know?*
Suddenly the*silhouette makes a step forward revealing itself as Danzo. Red dots are glowing on his right arm.
Danzo: Because i'm the one that made you. I'm the one that allowed you to grow as the man that you are today. Because all this time, both you and Orochimaru were oblivious to the jutsu used on you.*
Kabuto: You!!! You're Danzo!
Instantly Kabuto dashes towards him trying to strike the elder with a kunai. Danzo jumps and avoids the attack and at the same time he makes a couple of handsigns.
Danzo: Wind release! Cutting edge blow!
He spits a powerful wind wave that goes straight towards Kabuto. The latter barely manages to evade it and makes a couple of handsigns.
Kabuto: Hidden snake silent killing!
A snake emerges from the ground and bites Danzo by the neck killing him.
Kabuto relieved: It's over...
Suddenly Danzo's voice is heared.
Danzo: You cannot kill me boy.*
Kabuto turns around and looks at the place where Danzo's body should have been. But the corpse it's nowhere to be seen.
Kabuto: What the...!?!
Danzo: The Izanagi..the power of the gods...You cannot beat that, Kabuto.
Kabuto turns around again and adopts a battle posture.
Danzo: Stop it. I'm not here to fight you.
Kabuto: Then why did you ordered my mother to kill me and me to kill her?
Danzo: It was just a test. And you passed it. To think that Orochimaru would have been so easy to fool. Yet, he managed to keep you hidden from me for such a long time. Impressive...
Kabuto: What do you mean?!?
Danzo's Sharingan eye, which belonged to Shisui it's seen glowing.
Danzo: It doesn't matter. What it matters right now, it's you, Kabuto. I'm the one responsible for you memory loss. But...if you want to regain those memories of you forgotten former have to do as i say.
Kabuto falls down to his knees: What do you want?

The scene shows Kabuto in an exotic forest, surrounded by snakes. In front of him it's the White Great Snake Sage.

Snake Sage: What do you want child?
Kabuto: Power.
Snake Sage: That's the thing that most of the humans strive for. Why are you different from the others?
Kabuto: Because i do not seek the power in order to subdue the others. I want the power in order to find myself! I want the power in order to be able to discover who I really am!
Snake Sage: And why should i care? Why shouldn't I have my brothers to eat you right now?
Kabuto with a determined look: Because if you do it, you will always wonder if there was a human who could achieve the Snake Sage Mode, and if I was that person, if it was good to kill me!
Snake Sage: It's true that no man achieved these powers before and *not even Orochimaru was able to access the Sage powers. But what makes you think that you can?
Kabuto: I'm Orochimaru's disciple! I surpassed him! And i will continue his goal! If there is somebody who can do it, it's me! So if you want to train me, do it!
The panel it's focused on the White Snake Sage's face. It's a face filled with curiosity and interest. He takes a long smoke from the cigaratte that he holds in it's mouth.
Snake Sage as he release the smoke from his mouth: Then...Kabuto...should we start?

The panel shows Kabuto standing in a graveyard, somewhere at the outskirts of Konoha.

Kabuto to himself: It must be here somewhere...
Suddenly he stummbles on a rock and falls on the ground. His glasses fell off. He picks them up, and looks at the place where he falled. He seems something strange. When he falled, his body took away a bit of the dirt, and uncovered the base of a symbol. He quickly rushes and clears the symbol revealing a war fan drawing and the name Madara underneath it.
Kabuto: The Uchiha crest! I found it! Danzo should be content with this!

The scene it's switched again. It shows Kabuto in a cave.

Kabuto thinking: Tobi is going to bring the war to the Five Kages. It's time to make my move...i collected *enough DNA samples for my personal army. I can finally achieve my goal. Once i get my hands on Sasuke and give him to Danzo, i will find out my identity!

The panel shows Kabuto's shocked face. He just learned that Danzo was killed by Sasuke.

Kabuto: Impossible! To think that he had the power to break the Izanagi!*
Suddenly he understands the implications of Danzo's death.
Kabuto shouts: NOOO!!! I WILL NEVER FIND OUT!!!*

The scene shows Kabuto walking in a forest, towards the Mountain's graveyard.

Kabuto thinking: Since both Orochimaru and Danzo are seems that i will never find out who i am...what should i do now? Everyone has a goal, a wish, a plan for the future...except for me...i lack those things. I don't have any plans...what should i do next? Am I to forever wonder who i was? What should i do...what should i do...i've lost myself again...the only thing for me to do it's to aid Tobi...but where is this going to take me? The Infinite Tsukuyomi it's not the answer...not for me...i must learn my identity first. But it seems that all the ties to the people who could find out were severed. But what if...what if i go with Orochimaru's plan...became immortal...thus i would have an eternity to find out...
But in order to be able to do it...the Moon's Eye plan must not be accomplished!

The panel it's switched back to Itachi and Sasuke facing Kabuto.

Itachi: Touching story, Kabuto. i said before...that doesn't give you the right to play with the deads and certantely to take so many lives.
Kabuto: cannot lecture me, Itachi. You're the one who wipped out his own clan, his own family. And for what? A war still emerged and Sasuke is a sociopath, driven by his hatred! You've lost Itachi and you cannot accept the fact that some of us can still do something with their lives besides bowing to Konoha's will. You're just another slave for Konoha!
Itachi smiles: You may be right, Kabuto. And as a Konoha slave...i must defend it. I'm really sorry for you Kabuto. I feel pity for you. I will even spare your life if you end the Edo Tensei.
Kabuto looks at Itachi's cool demenour, at his Sharingan and suddenly laughs maniacally.
Kabuto shouts: **** YOU ITACHI!!! I hate your Uchiha eyes, your atitude! It drives me crazy! You look like you're not even affected by me! That i'm a mere bug to you! How could you understand! You had a family, a name of your own, a clan! If i had all of that, i would stick with them 'till the death even if it meant a war! Instead you killed them! Do you know how it feels to be alone from the very beginning?!?I don't need your Uchiha pity!
Itachi: I don't. But i know the pain of losing the people that you love.
Kabuto: Losing...losing? You killed them! How can you talk about losing them? You ended their lives with your own hands!
Suddenly Itachi's posture shifts. He gets a menacing appearence that frightens Kabuto. Even Sasuke makes a step back.
Itachi: Enough. Do you think that i enjoyed doing it? Do you think that i didn't mourn for them every single day? It's harder to have something and losing it, than never having it, Kabuto. That's something that you will never understand. So if you're not willing to end the Edo Tensei...
Kabuto: You'd have to kill me first, Itachi!
Itachi with a determined look: be it...IZANAMI!!!!

The end.

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