Friday 13 April 2012

Naruto 583 Prediction: Nothing becomes something

Naruto 583 Prediction: Nothing becomes something


Mother, watching a slightly older Kabuto heal a wounded person, “great job Kabuto, you are as good as me. You catch on very well. “

Kabuto, “Thank you mother, I owe it all to you.”

Mother, “I think it is time for me to tell you. I think that you should leave here.”

Kabuto, “?! did I do something wrong?”

Mother, as they both are walking through the mission, “no not at all, I think you should travel and find your own, but especially find a teacher that can increase your knowledge of Medical Ninjutsu.”

Kabuto, “I love to learn things and figure things out. But I like being here with you.”

Suddenly a group of Ninja appear.

Kabuto jumps in front of Mother to protect her.

Ninja 1, “you are very brave, but we are not here to hurt anyone.”

2nd Ninja a female, “We are here to warn you of an on going danger that is nearing here. If you have any medical experts we would appreciate their help.”

3rd Ninja, “other wise everyone should leave here or they will forfeit their lives.”

1st Ninja, “Orochimaru, please. Don’t be so harsh.”

Female ninja, “you know How he is Jaraiya.”

Orochimaru, “forgive me Tsunade and jaraiya. I do get carried away. But we must hurry to help the others at the front.”

Kabuto, “I know some medical ninjutsu, but I won’t go unless Mother comes too!”

Mother, “no, I must stay with the others, make sure they get to safety, when it is over I will come to the Leaf village to see you. I hear this female ninja is greatly talented in Medical ninjutsu. Listen to her.”

Kabuto, sadly, “yes mother, I will.”
They all leave.

Kabuto present talking, “I left with them of course, along the way to the nearest camp, Lady Tsunade showed me a thing or two. Lord Orochimaru actually paid me no attention at all, lol. I was nothing to him then.”

Showing Jaraiya,” I always felt a strange connection to Lord Jaraiya though, the reason has eluded me even til this day. “

Showing different scenes of fighting with Kabuto healing someone and also protecting, “I learned most of my medical ninjutsu after that in many small battles after I parted ways with the Sannin. I eventual learned that the same blade you use to heal can also be used to kill.

Present time.

Itachi, “I see so you found your way to the Leaf through this? So why the path of a spy, nothing so far explains this.”

Flash back.

Kabuto walking with Mother in the Leaf village.

Kabuto, “yes mother I am a doing well, but I have decided that I want to become a ninja, I think I will do well.”

Mother, “I am sure that you will. The others have all found a home in different villages, I am proud of you all.”

Kabuto, “what are you going to do, where are you going?”

Mother, “well, I think I will travel a bit I always wanted to see the Sand Village.”

Kabuto, “it’s a deal, in a few years I will come to the sand village to check up on you , then.”

They both smile.

Kabuto in present speaking, “I visited her many times over the years. One of those visits I ran into someone.”

We see a picture of Sasori.

Sasori, “you will make an excellent spy, I want you to befriend Orochimaru, A somewhat partner of mine, but still. I do not trust him. This jutsu will place you under my control secretly even to him.”

Kabuto talking again, “I did as ordered, I became a student of Lord Orochimaru in secret, but there was an event that was not calculated in Sasori’s plan.”

Years later, we see Kabuto standing over a grave, that says “Mother to all.”

Orochimaru is behind him, “ I can bring her back, better I can show you how to bring her back.”

Kabuto, “do not try to lie to me my Lord, I am not any less intelligent while I am under duress.”

Orochimaru, “your worth is not of enough value to lie to, I was merely stating a fact. I could careless if you go through with it. But if you do want to I must do something first.”

Kabuto, “what is that?”

Orochimaru, “I take that as a yes. Secret jutsu: mind control release!”

He grabs Kabuto’s head, as he does this Kabuto passes out.


Itachi, “ so that is when you became his subordinate.”

Kabuto, “Yes, but I am no ones student or teacher. I will not risk anyone trying to surpass me with my own techniques!”

Sasuke, {he is distracted I should try this now!} “Susan’oo: Sword or blackness!”

He forms the arm of Susan’oo that holds the Ameterasu sword, it is headed strait for Kabuto.

Itachi, “Sasuke!”

Kabuto looking at the on coming attack, “I am something….”

A huge blast occurs causing smoke and debris.

“to respect!”

When it clears we see a figure burning in flames. Then we see Sasuke being held from behind by his neck, Kabuto has snakes holding his arms.

Next: “playtime is over”

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