Thursday 16 February 2012

Naruto 575 Prediction: Vengeance and Honor

Itachi is seen traveling then he suddenly stops.

Itachi, "brother am I seeing what you have seen? This is worse than I expected. You have become the opposite of my intentions."

We see Sasuke walking when.

We see a foot and leg standing in the foreground. "you!"

Sasuke smiles.

It is a Naruto Clone facing him, " are you in his War?"

Sasuke, "I have allegiance to no one , I am only committed to my goals. Stand aside clone or don't died your choice."

Suddenly we see the fox inside, "him? well isn't this bad timing?"

Naruto standing focused on Tobdara, {what, who is it Kurama, someone approaching?}

Kurama, "one of your clones has just encountered Sasuke."

Naruto, "hmmmm, well that's good. Worse comes to worse I will get some info on him. Before *I face him. I am sure he is just as strong as I am, maybe more."

Kurama, {hmmm, focused and didn't fly off, changed a lot within a few days.}

Kunais clash together it is Neji and Hinata fighting each other.

Neji, " you are not the Hinata of the main branch, you cannot be!"
Hinata, " Why not, I am stronger than you thought?"
{I ca. See Naruto an who I think is Sasuke just a few yards away, must get to them!}

Neji, "No, not so weak! But I guess some cannot change their destiny!"

Hinata, " i see, flowers and fists,dance of hidden chambers!"

Suddenly she gracefully dances around his strikes and strikes him front side and back in mere seconds.*

Neji, "I can't move, why what was that?"

Hinata, " I am a Hyuuga, and a member of the main house. I have taken my place as the next in line to lead our clan. I have been taught the main Branch techniques and realized some of my own doing. You will die when u make a step."

Neji *comes from the side as the false Neji that has reverted to his Zetsu form collapses.*

"was that one of the Main techniques?!"

Hinata, "yes."

Neji diverts his eyes from her and bows, "then you have been appointed successor , congratulations ."

Hinata, "no time for that we must go, hurry "

They both dash off.

We see holes in boulders and scorched earth,also huge *or ulnar indentures in the ground.*

Sasuke has his sword charged with Chidori, Naruto is in Sage mode.

"interesting this jutsu ur using makes you strong,very strong. It also seems you can sense my moves. You are exactly where I thought you would be, still weaker than me."

Suddenly Susan'oo appears . Naruto (clone) says nothing.

Naruto, " Itachi isn't gonna like hearing how you have lost your honor. Right now you are ready to kill your most beloved friend and teammate, for what, jealousy? "

Hinata and Neji arrive just in time to see Sasuke fire the Amaterasu pellets at Naruto.*

Everyone is looking at the *black flames beginning to form.*

Naruto in RS mode evades and reaches out with chakra hands to grab Neji & Hinata, " what are guys doing here?!"

Naruto, "no!"

Then suddenly Susan'oo turns towards the two Hyuga!

The *Black flames spiral towards them, " you are fast, but how fast?"

The sword strikes the clone in the chest as he focuses on them.

Now we see Naruto smiling even more facing Tobi, "everything is gonna be fine. Hey, team Naruto! Let's not fight with anger fight with justice I your mind and honor as your motive! Samurai aren't the only ones with honor, we got it too. I will take are of this me and Kurama , Bee and Hachibi, okay?"

Kakashj, "as you wish."{Team Naruto?}

Now we see Sasuke staring angrily, "impossible."

Hinata is standing in a pose with her hands down in fists with Neji *behind her. In her vision we see small black flames swirl into oblivion. Her eyes are a solid light blue with there are *no veins bulging.

Hinata, " Pure Byakugan active, this is the reason the Uchiha. Clan fear the Hyuuga clan."

Sasuke, " we fear no clan, I fear no one!"

Hinata, " no ability you have with your sharighan MS or otherwise will work against me. How is your tai jutsu?"

Next: "dark versus light, the unexpected warrior"

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