Monday 27 February 2012

Naruto 576 Prediction: The Uchiha pride

Naruto 576 Prediction: The Uchiha pride

Panel shows Itachi and Sasuke making eye contact.

Itachi lands on a branch and looks at Sasuke. Sasuke has a shocked expression on his face.

Sasuke: Itachi!?!
Itachi: Hello, brother.
Sasuke: What's the meaning of this!?! You're alive?
Itachi: No. I'm dead. I was summoned back to life via Edo Tensei. But i broke free from it.
Sasuke: Who did this?!?
Itachi: Why? So you could just go and kill him?
Sasuke: I'm avenging our clan! You! Everyone!
Itachi: I never wished for this, Sasuke. I never wished that my brother would become the criminal that he is today.
Sasuke whisppering: Criminal? I'm not a criminal.*
Itachi: Then, what are you, Sasuke?
Sasuke shouts: The criminals are the ones in Konoha! They made you assassinate our clan! It's their fault!
Itachi: It isn't their fault! It was my choice! My choice! I decided that i would put an end to the clan with my own two hands, rather then allowing a war to break out!
Sasuke: Then why did you let me alive? Why didn't you killed me back then?
Itachi: I wanted to make you a hero! You would have been the one who killed the infamous Uchiha Itachi! You'd be the one who freed our clan from the shame that has been upon us! But you chose instead the path of a murderer!
Sasuke: And how did that worked out?!? It's Konoha's fault that our clan had to carry that shame! I will erase their existence, starting with Naruto!*
Itachi: You're just like Madara! Turn back, Sasuke! Until it's not too late for you. You can still have a redemption!*
Sasuke: Redemption? My path it's shrouded in darkness, Itachi. I don't need redemption. I need revenge!
Itachi: I guess that it's too late for me to save you. You won't listen to words. But listen to me...there will be a day, when you will understand that all of these was a mistake.*
Sasuke: I'm afraid that i won't see that day coming.
Itachi: Then i'm afraid that it's indeed to late for me. It's up to him right now. You will be stoped Sasuke. Even if it means your death. I'm sorry, brother...

The scene it's switched. It shows Madara and the Kages.

Onooki: I will not die like this! Even if it's the last thing i do, i will take you with me Madara!
Madara: Bold words for the brat you used to be.
Onooki smiles: I'm not that brat anymore!
Madara smiles too: Well, show me then your power!
Onooki makes a few handsigns: Dust release!*
He creates a sphere shaped dust jutsu and throws it at Madara. Madara manages to dodge it and appears behind Onooki.
Madara: This is the end.
At the same moment he gets punched by the Raikage. He quickly regains his posture.
Madara: I can't catch a break, huh? Why don't we end this?
Madara quickly makes a few handsigns: Mokuton! Expanding forest barrier!
Suddenly a whole forest emerges around them, surrounding the five Kages from the rest of the unit.
Madara jumps into the air making complicated handsigns.
Madara: Fire release! Explode!
The panel shows each Kage's face as the forest explodes around them. Madara is shown landing several meters away and slowly regenerating himself.
Madara: That's the end, for the Five Kages.
Suddenly from the smoke a sand spear appears and impales Madara in the chest. At the same moment several spikes emerges from the ground, impaling Madara and keeping him still.
The panel shows Gaara badly injured with the sand spear connected to his arm.
Gaara: It's not over yet!
Onooki is shown breathing heavily. He created the earth spikes. Tsunade is behind them healing them both.
Tsunade: If it wasn't for your jutsus we would be dead right now.
Onooki: It was a close one indeed.


When Madara triggers the explosion, instantly the Kages are covered into a sand sphere held by multiple layers of earth walls.*

End of flashback.

Madara looks at the spikes and at the spear.
Madara: Do you think that you can kill me with these kind of attacks?
Gaara smiling: Killing you? No...not with those.
Mei appears above Madara and she shots a lava attack at him. The lava covers him as he is not moving. At the same moment the Raikage appears in front of the lava covered Madara.
Raikage making handsigns: Lightning release! Pillars of electricity barrier!
Six pillars of electeicity emerges from the earth and covers Madara's body.
E: That should hold him enough.
Tsunade appears in front of him. She releases a huge scroll and makes quickly handsigns.
Tsunade: Forbidden sealing arts! Soul destru...
Madara's voice: You cannot contain me.*
The place were Madara was explodes throwing the other Kages away. Tsunade is shown having a shocked expression on her face, just before the explosion.
As the dust and smoke clears up the panel shows Tsunade in front of Madara. Gaara is standing on one knee several meters away, the Raikage is on the ground barely alive, Mei is standing up holding her arm, and Onooki is shown standing also on one knee and bleeding heavily.
Mei thinking: What tremendous power! He nearly killed us!
Onooki: The Raikage...that brat took the blast in order to protect us...
Gaara: Tsunade...
The panel shows Tsunade's face. She still retains the shocked expression. Madara is very close, in front of her.
Madara: Tsunade have fallen today. With your death, the Senju name it's erased from the present.
The panel shows Tsunade's entire body. She got impaled in the chest by a blade held by Madara.
Gaara shouts: Hokage!
Tsunade with a whisppered voice: Uchiha Madara..l'm not going to die like this.
Madara: There is nothing you can do.
He pulls out his blade out of Tsunade's chest. She falls on her knees coughing blood.*
Madara swings his blade, being ready to decapitate her. As the blade moves closer and closer to Tsunade's neck it suddenly stops.
The panel shows Onooki, who took the hit in his left shoulder. He creates a conical dust release into his palms, aiming it at Madara.
Onooki: You will not win! *Dust release!
The conical shape explodes, creating a huge blast.
As the dust clears up the panel shows Onooki on the ground coughing blood. Madara is shown regenerating from the attack. He looks at Onooki.
Madara: Bold, indeed.
Suddenly he gets a surprised expression, as an energy sword impales him from behind.
Madara: Interesting...
Itachi's voice: You will not kill the Kages today Madara. You lose.
Madara: Another Edo Tensei. And a fellow Uchiha, with the Mangekyou Sharingan. What's this sword boy?
Itachi: This sword will seal you away forever. The moment you got impaled by it, it's over.*
Madara: It must be the Totsuka sword.
Itachi: Exactly.
Madara turns his head around and looks at Itachi: Let me enlighten could seal me away, if i didn't had the power to overcome this.
Itachi: The Rinnegan!
Madara: Indeed. So, young Uchiha...i didn't lost.
Itachi thinking: Good thing that i came all the way here instead of attacking Kabuto. He was just about to kill the Kages. His's just like Sasuke's power...


Sasuke: Stop me? You're dead Itachi. You cannot stop me.
Itachi: I won't do it myself. I trust that someone else will do it for me.
Sasuke: Nobody is powerful enough to kill me, brother!
Itachi: You are underestimating Naruto.*
Sasuke laughs: Naruto? He cannot kill me. I recognize his power, but he is beneath me!
Itachi: His power is far greater than your power, Sasuke.*
Sasuke: He cannot have powers above my Sharingan!
Itachi: You still don't understand. Why do you think That Naruto kept improving all these years? Because he has confidence in his power! His power is the power of love! It may sound lame, but that gives him the ability to surpass anyone! He loves his friends and he would do anything for them! Your power it's hate and anger. That's why you're alone. That's why you will lose! I never wanted any of this for you Sasuke...i'm sorry.
Sasuke: Sorry?*
In an instant he casts an Amaterasu at Itachi.
Itachi as he is burned by the jutsu: Farewell brother...There won't be a next time...
Suddenly Itachi transforms *into multiple crows and vanishes, revealing himself as a clone.

End of flashback.

Madara: I'm curious about your power, young Uchiha. Show me the powers of your Mangekyou Sharingan!
Itachi: As you wish!*
Itachi makes a few steps back and activates his Susano'o. Madara looks at him with the Rinnegan in his eyes.
Madara: One more thing, boy...what happend to our clan?
Itachi smiles: They are dead. They got killed. All of them.
Madara: Dead? Who had the ability to kill an entire clan?
Itachi smiling: I did. And now, it's your turn, Uchiha Madara!

The panel shows Sasuke dashing through a forest. Suddenly he stops. In fromt of him are *Sakura, Hinata,Sai, Ino, Tenten, Choji, Shikamaru, Neji, Lee, Kiba and Shino.

Shikamaru: You're not going anywhere, Sasuke.
Sasuke: test dummies.
Neji: You won't reach Naruto that easily. We are here to put an end to your criminal acts.
Sasuke: Hyuuga Neji...i always wanted to fight against your Byakugan. Let's see which *eye holds more power!
Neji: You're insane Sasuke!
Sasuke: Insane? You are insane if you think that you can kill me. Even if there are eleven of you, you don't stand a chance.*
Sakura:'s not too late...
Sasuke: Stop with this shit. I thought that i made myself clear.*
Shikamaru: *Sasuke. You were our comrade. We would have given our life for a comrade. You chose a life of vengeance, instead. I'm sorry Sasuke, but as your former comrades we need to take responsability for you, and for your actions. That why, will pay for your crimes!
Sasuke smiles as he draws his sword.
Sasuke: Shikamaru Nara...bold words. But are you capable to fulfill your promise?
Shikamaru as he takes out Asuma's knives: I'm not capable to defeat you. But WE are capable of defeating you!!!
Sasuke having a menacing glare into his EMS eyes: Then let's do it!


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