Thursday 23 February 2012

Naruto 576 Prediction: A Leaf Shinobi

Naruto 576 Prediction: A Leaf Shinobi

Sauske: I-Itachi?!

Itachi: ... Hello Sasuke *smiles*

Sasuke: How are you alive?!?! What's going on?! *eyes wide open in confusion*

Itachi:... Sasuke... I didn't want to meet you here like this, but as I told Naruto-

Sasuke: NARUTO? You spoke to Naruto?! Why?

Itachi: Yes- I told him that... I failed, with you. But I think I will make things right and tell you what you need to know.

(scene switches to Madara v Kages)

Madara: It's almost over, in less than 10 moves I can box them in and win this...

Mei: Water stye...

Madara: Fire style!

Mei: Water wave/Madara: engulfing wall of flame (both collide with eachother at the same time and cancel eachother out)

Mei: I can't go on... *collapses*

(Scene switches back to Itachi and Sasuke)

Sasuke:... I don't believe it...

Itachi: Sasuke, you were too young to remember our family - our parents. Do you even know how they planned to start the coup?

Sasuke: ?!

Itachi: They were going to use you... They were going to kill you and frame the third Hokage. Our parents were the ones that came up with the idea. I... could not allow that... Nor could I allow the village to be taken over.

Sasuke: *in tears* And you're here because of Tobi and Kabuto? They teamed up? Tobi probably bet me aside as a bargaining chip... damn them. They will pay.

Itachi: Sasuke... After everything I've caused you - all the ruination I brought on you... I do not expect to change your mind. I made Naruto promise that he will be the one to do that, he is the only one that truly cares. And I will show him my support by no longer shouldering everything on my own and repeating my past mistakes. Before I go-

Sauske: W-Wait!!!

Itachi: Never forget who you truly are. You are not an avenger. You are not a tool of some clan. You are a friend. A brother. And whether you like it or not you are...

*giant pannel* A shinobi of the hidden leaf! *disappears*


Suigetsu and Jugo catch up: It's a good thing we found you Sauske, who was that?

Sasuke: *wiping tears away* Nevermind... actually... good thing you're all here. We're going after Madara and Kabuto. They have some explaining to do.

Suigetsu: Sauske, before that, take a look at this. (Suigetsu hands Sauske a scroll, Sauske opens it up and stares at it)

Sauske: Orochimaru... you planned this far ahead and didn't tell anyone about this?! To be able to bypass even the impure world...

Suigetsu: What do you want to do with it?

Sauske: From what this scroll says, activating it and casting the summoning spell allows for the jutsu to only last about an hour. That's more than enough time to throw a wrench in those bastards' plans... *Sasuke unfolds the entire scroll, the scroll becomes enveloped in a bubble and ritual text all around it* Now! Summoning Jutsu! *the scroll explodes in giant plume of smoke, a shadow stands in front of them*

???: where am I?

Sasuke: So it worked. I'm going to keep this brief, you can only stay here for an hour and then the jutsu will wear off. If you care about the future of the leaf right now - use the time you have to take out Madara.

???: Madara? He's still alive?!... He's right, I can sense him. I must go - *zip*

Sauske: Naruto, I'm only doing you this favor once... for Itachi.

(back to Kages)

Madara: It's done. I've boxed you all in and you're out of chakra... now DIE ; Woodstyle: GIANT FOREST OF DEATH! *venus-flytraps start growing around Madara and shoot straight for the Kages, but other branches start growing around the Kages and shoot straight the other way, intecepting eachother and a giant tree-like golem grows out of the ground and shields the Kages*


Tsunade: This is...

Madara: WHAT?!

Hashirama Senju:.. *Standing in front of the Kages making a "combat" hand seal, looking extremely pissed off*

Caption: Orochimaru's final secret revealed - but how is this possible?

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