Monday 22 October 2012

Naruto 607 Predictions: Pillars Laid

Naruto 607 Predictions: Pillars Laid
(In the middle of the tears shedding sky)
Nagato : Who are you?
Obito : I'm Uchiha Madara.
Yahiko : Uchiha Madara? Never heard of him!!
Zetsu : ............
Obito/Madara : It's obvious...... You were not born and brought up in a shinobi family.... So you don't know about me...... And my past history.
Yahiko : So?!!
Nagato : ..... What do you want from us?
O/M : .....Your HELP!!!
Konan : ?!!!
Yahiko : ?!!!
Nagato : ?!!! What kind of help?!!
O/M : My friend, Zetsu, heard your conversation when you were talking about fighting against these five great nations during war to protect the unarmed civilians of your hidden rain village.
Nagato : ?!!
O/M : But unlike me, you are only thinking of your own village .
Zetsu : ........
Yahiko/Konan : ?!!
Nagato : What do you mean?
O/M : I want to save the whole ninja as to create a new world experiencing peace, (Nagato stares at Obito with a hope, not to lose any more loved ones)
Nagato : ?!! How will you achieve it?
Yahiko/Konan : .........
Nagato : I promised myself to protect my friends till the end.
O/M : (remembers Kakashi killing Rin) Promises are never meant to be made in this world of pain and situations will make you to break those promises with your own protective hands..... By casting a genjutsu strong enough to put the world in to a never ending dream, there won't be any need to make those promises.To stop these sufferings I will achieve peace in my own way.
Nagato : ........
Yahiko : Never ending dream?!! That means a fake escape from the real world. A world with no dreams. With.....
Konan : hope!!
Nagato : (looks at Yahiko and Konan) with no emotions, feelings, love.
Yahiko : Everything in it will be fake.
O/M : Instead of suffering in this hell, it is better to live a life which will be made by us.
Yahiko : But why we? Why did you chose us?
O/M : You three survived this war at this age, there's no doubt how strong you are. And I need your help to make this world of peace.
Nagato/Yahiko/Konan : ?!!
O/M : Your strong will made you protect your people. This will of yours can bring peace to this world. You too are fighting for peace. Nagato, you lost your parents by the hands of Leaf Shinobi. Nagato, Konan & Yahiko you all are the orphans from this war. You got good people to train you, to make you better during this situations. But....
Nagato/Konan/Yahiko : ?!!!
O/M : But do you think the other orphans from these wars will be lucky enough to escape their deaths? Will they get saved by someone like a Sannin to train them? Are they responsible for the sins of the others? Will they...
Yahiko : I will help you Madara. I also want to stop these deaths.
Konan : Yahiko!! You heard him before. That won't be a real peace in a world of genjutsu.
Nagato : Konan is right. We can't........
(a sound of blast is heard from nearby area)
Nagato/Yahiko/Konan : ?!!
Nagato : It is from that side. That's a market area. Madara you do have a reason in achieving peace, but the way you are walking will take you nowhere. Lets go guys.(Nagato and Konan goes ahead)
Yahiko : Are you coming with us?
O/M : (Damn Nagato, he's a tough guy. I can manipulate Yahiko to win over Nagato) No!! People will die in this world. My plan can even bring the dead back to life. Even if they died in this world, I will bring them back in that world.
Yahiko : ?!! (Another blast is heard)
O/M : Your friends need your help. You must go. We will meet again. (phases into the ground) Lets go Zetsu!! (Yahiko goes to help)
O/M : Zetsu.... Keep a watch over them.
(Obito rests)
(after some time)
Zetsu : That kid, Yahiko got injured in that incident. Their hideout is in the farmlands.
O/M : Lets listen to his answer.
(Obito teleports into their hideout)
Yahiko : (taking rest) ?!! (throws kunai at obito who just reached in their hideout)
O/M : (after teleporting suddenly phases out to avoid the kunai) you almost killed me. (the kunai slip through obito's head and hits the door).
Yahiko : I sensed strange so I attacked. I apologize.I never imagined you will be coming here. How did you knew this place?
O/M : Zetsu can travel anywhere. What do you think about the plan?
Yahiko : ....... I'm in. I'll make the others to join you. But it will take time.
O/M : They will join you sooner or later. But now the main thing is that your friend Nagato is the only one capable of bringing the plan to fruition. Because he has those eyes. The eyes of the sage of the six paths, Rinnegan!! He is the main key to unlock the doors of our future. He is the savior who will bring peace to this ninja world..... he is the bridge and....we will be the pillars to hold that bridge of peace. So we will have to gather strong ninjas who seek peace. This group will be known as " THE AKATSUKI " and considering Nagato's safety, you will become the leader of Akatsuki.
Yahiko : I want to know about you before acting on the plan!!!
(The stage is set........ for peace!! What will be the fate of Akatsuki)

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