Friday 26 October 2012

Naruto 608 Another Prediction

Naruto 608 Another Prediction
Madara: Impressive that you able to dodge Dragon Wood Jutsu...
Naruto: I am not done yet dumb ass!
Madara: Really? such a ignorant kid.
*Naruto FlashStep*
Madara: *What the hell was speed came from* (shock) (imagination of first hokage mystic)
Naruto: Let Finish it and go back to hell!
*Naruto transform into fully nine tail fox and used big bujuu sphere*
*big explosion*
Naruto: It seem he gone and it over
*Wood Pine rushing directly to Naruto and capture*
Marada: It Over you said?
Naruto: Who the hell can beat this guy on this world..... *faint*
*Marada notice strange going on*
*Naruto awake then and getting more chakra*
*Naruto fall back from Madara and gain more abilities to focus*
Naruto: I will not die until I become Hokage!
*Naruto unlocked new power*
Madara: ?!?! How did he unlock it..
Obito: What the hell is going on?
Bee: Naruto.... this chakra is...really powerfully....!!!
Kaskashi: What going on there....?!?!
Obito: some your idiots team just recently unlock secret power which is similar to six path power...
Kaskashi: Naruto?!?!
Madara: How the hell you unlock it.... without Uchiha DNA.....
Naruto: .....
Naruto: Someone who has loyalty to be peace from Uchiha Itachi.
Madara: Itachi?
Madara: That kid is saying not impossible.......
Madara * Impossible his chakra is growing and match to six path power *
Madara: Too Late Kid... Ten Tails is ready and World is about to end!
*Ten Tails broke barrer and show up*
Kaskashi: Ten Tails.... Revived!?
Naruto *raged and unlock powerful seal and used on ten tails*
Madara: ?!?!
Naruto * exhausting *
Madara: Impossible but now I can enjoy my time to kill you.
Sasuke & Orochmaru Arrive!
End of chapter 608!

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