Monday 14 January 2013

Naruto 616 PREDICTION: Uzumaki & Uchiha Linage

???: so this is it... huh?

???: yes the place where the scroll came to be

We see Sasuke and Co walking into the light of an old Uchiha hideaway

Sasuke: so he was here all this time, even then

Flash Back to Itachi and him fighting

Oro: hes not fully here, just his spirit remains

Sasuke: then what is the scroll used for

Oro: the scroll contains handsigns for one to use for him to come forth

Sasuke: how much farther

Oro: just a little farther ahead

they walk till they come to a door

Soygetsu: look some strange writing

Soygetsu pokes the writing on the door

Jugo: looks like its a dead end

Oro: just watch

Sasukes eyes switch to his EMS and the words become clear to him and him only

Sasuke: only I am allowed passed this door, I need the scroll to proceed

Oro throws him the scroll, and he catches it, Sasuke walks over the the side of the door and presses a button and the door opens and he continues fading into the shadows

Oro: seems this is all im good for, now for my own plans

Jugo: your own plans

Oro: with my chakra in Anko and Kabuto I was able to find the Dragon Sage Mode location, but my body...

Soygetsu: run Jugo

Oro: become lost

Oro makes signs and snakes come out and bite the 2 placing them under Genjutsu

Oro: poor Jugo, I'm sorry you have to end this way hahahahahaha

Oro preforms the body switching jutsu on him and leaves Soygetsu is still under the Genjutsu

Sasuke is walking down a hall way and comes to a wall

Sasuke: this must be it

he opens the scroll and makes handsigns, when he finishes the handsigns the wall starts to glow with the same strange writing

???: so you finally came

Sasuke: how did...

???: im the one that knows everything, i knew you would come here before you did

Sasuke: so you must know why im here

???: yes but first let me tell you my story, the story of the SO6P

Sasuke: SO6P!!!!!

So6P: here this might help

the sage placed him under a genjutsu like Itachi did to show him Madara, everything he says Sasuke can see happening

SO6P: my story begins... from the day I was born I had no mother, no father, only loneliness... Me not having a mother and father placed me under great darkness untill I met my friend, the great Sage toad, it was him that brought me out of the darkness, he held in his sleep a vision of me saving this world from a monster... the Juubi, the sage told me I had a great body and that I may be able to hold this beast in me, but I had to find a way to make this possible, I HAD TO SAVE THE FUTURE... Years passed and I got stronger but not strong enough to keep such a monster inside of me, but I became strong enough to see a glowing inside of everyone, which later came to be known as chakra, with me finding this I found a way to use this so called chakra into forming Ninjutsu, and through ninjutsu came fuinjutsu, the power to seal away everything it touches... and soon my battle with the Juubi was set, me and the Juubi fought for days until I saw and opening to seal it inside of me... and I did. After the Juubi was sealed something strange happened to me I gained a portion of its eye, and this was later called the Rinnegan.... Me having the beast sealed inside of me, made people scared to be around me, it made me think what would happen when I died, what of the beast, what of the peace I had created, it would all have been destroyed... near my death I used the Juubi's eye to create a pure child that would carry on my legacy, but along with that pure child brought upon a child that harbored all of the Juubi's hate. The pure child gained my body, and the un-pure child gained the Juubi's eye to a lesser degree, they became the Uchiha and Uzumaki, I split the Juubi's remaining power across the world so they will never become one again, which in the end killed me. I passed my ideals onto the the pure child which only angered the hatred full child, and the bitterness continued.

Sasuke: so all I am is hate that comes from the Juubi

SO6P: indeed

Sasuke: thanks I got everything I need to know

SO6P: follow your own path, learn to control you hatred for the good of the people, something the Juubi never learned

the Sage dissolves

Sasuke:.... everything is clear, my hatred, my love, everything is pointing to the destruction of the world

Sasuke finally meets the one, only to fall further into the depths of darkness, will he ever see the light again???

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