Thursday 6 September 2012

Naruto 601 Prediction: This is getting dull

Naruto 601 Prediction: This is getting dull
Madara: This is getting dull. I expected more from you as Kage.

Kages: ?!

Madara: Regardless, its time that I had a little bit of fun.

*Madara points to himself*

Madara: You can play with this clone. Don't worry, this clone is far more capable than the previous clones you fought. It contains half of my powers.

Kage: ?!?!

Onoki: Then where have you gone, I didn't see you split up!

Gaara: Furthermore, I didn't detect you leaving?!

Madara: Foolish brats. Tsuande, tell them, I'm sure you've figured it out.

Tsunade: Grandpa Hashirama had the ability to connect to the ground and travel anywhere in the world.

Onoki: A space time ninjutsu?

Tsunade: Not exactly. Think of it similar if not the same as the teleportation jutsu used by the two faced Akatsuki member.

*Onoki flashes back to a detailed memo revealing information regarding the Akatsuki. It shows a page with Zetsu and describes his ability to transport himself from location to location*

Onoki: That was Hashirama dono's ability?!

Tsunade: It seems it was stolen by the Akatsuki member.

Madara: Heh! Nothing less from his grand-daughter. Zetsu is a creation from the first's and my cells.

Kage's: ?!?

Tsunade: ... So tell us, where have you gone!

Madara: To play with the Kyuubi.

Kage: ?!?!

*Flashback to their promise to Naruto*

Scene switches back to Naruto and the others.

Naruto: What have you done with the Kage's!!!!!!!!!!

Madara: Relax, I've left them a clone to play with. The battle became dull so I decided to join you here.

*Madara glares at Naruto*

Madara: What is this power, I've never seen it.

*Scene switches to Naruto's mind*

Kyuubi: Naruto, switch! - This is personal. I have a few words I want to say to him.

*Naruto and Kyuubi switch*

Kyuubi: Its been some time brat.

Madara/Kakashi/Obito/Others: ?!?!?!?!

Madara: Kyuubi, is that you? My, your voice has changed. I don't feel the same ferocity any more. What happened?

Kyuubi: You humans have been hostile to the tailed beasts ever since our inception. All you saw was power, a power that had to be controlled. Not one human has acknowledged our existence since Lord Rikudo.

Madara: ...

Kyuubi: Until this child.

Madara: ?!?!?!

Kyuubi: Lord Rikudo promised us of his coming.

Madara: ....?!?!

Kyuubi: That's right brat, Naruto is more important than you are.

*Madara begins to get angry*

Kyuubi: What were you at his age?

Madara: ....

Kyuubi: A helpless whelp in the shadow of Senju Hashirama!

*Madara is grinding his teeth and is furious, but calms down and smiles*

Madara: Kyuubi, are you trying to provoke me? Now that you have, I am more eager than ever, to kill this brat. No one is ever compared to Uchiha Madara. I will wipe him out of existence! Half of my powers should be enough!

Obito thinking: Heh, I guess this should by enough time.

*As Madara rushes towards Naruto with ferocious speed, his attack is quickly evaded by the Kyuubi's speed*

Kyuubi: Its time I gave this to Naruto!

Madara & the Others: ?!?!

Kyuubi (in Naruto's body makes a hand seal): Naruto, your time has come! This was entrusted to me personally by the Rikudo Sennin. Use it to defeat them! Summoning technique! Rikudo's staff!!!!

Madara: Oh hell no!!!!

*The others are shocked*


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